Happy 85th Birthday Grandma!

Happy Birthday Grandma!  We were so excited that we were able to celebrate Grandma's birthday with her.  I think from our group picture we were missing 5 family members (my three and two others).  We had a wonderful time and Grandma was wonderfully surprised.  It's kind of strange being back home and I'm not exactly sure how I fit in at times because I don't live in CT and don't see everyone all the time.  So trying to figure how how to relate to everyone is kind of tricky. Thankfully everyone is so gracious and just willing to pick up from where we left and social media definitely helps in feeling like you aren't missing out on as much! So thankful that we were able to celebrate Grandma's 85th year of life with great food, drink, great conversations and lots of fun.  Happy birthday Grandma!  We love you!


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